You Can Hear From God!

Updated: Sep 16

1. You are born again to hear God! A new creature! But your mind, will, & emotions (soul) are not born again. They are trained. Hearing from God & moving with God is like learning to ride a bike. It takes practice. Heb 5:14 calls it exercise. Are you purposely or accidentally hearing from God? Are you assuring yourself you are a new creature? It’s not your real self you are struggling with, just old processes & processors in your mind & emotions! This is why Rom 12:2 is so crucial!

2. It’s like learning a whole new language. I’ve traveled to about 12 nations & no matter how slow or loud they talk, I still can’t understand. God is so different than our “language.“ We must learn a whole new Way of communicating. Isaiah 55:5-9 says His ways (when we were wicked) are higher than ours. It takes a while to learn a voice of faith more than doubt, risk more than safety, love more than revenge, adoption more than rejection, obedience rather than rebellion, & humility more than pride. So much to learn, but that’s why we have the Word (Heb 4:12, 2 Tim 3:16-17), more mature believers around us (Heb 10:25, 13:17), & the Holy Spirit to lead us into truth (John 16:13)

3. Pictures are the most basic way of relating! The easiest way to learn a New Language is to look at pictures that mean the words we are trying to gain understanding from. This is why God communicates in pictures many times! So many times, we haven’t read the Bible or spent as much time as presents to get to know Him, so He has to show us pictures (dreams, visions, picture flashes)

4. Ways God speaks to us!

i. His Voice

ii. His Sense (impressions)

iii. His pictures (visions, dreams, or open visions, trances during day or night)

iv. Physical pain – words of knowledge for people’s bodies come with physical pain or senses

v. Jesus – He is the Way to Understand God – Jn 1:16-18.

vi. Church – someone else’s preaching

vii. Testimony – testimonies literally bring the Spirit of prophecy. Rev 19:10

viii. People

ix. Creation

x. A “knowing” or conviction of situations you didn’t have knowledge of.

xi. Worship – enter His gates with praise, & His courts with thanksgiving ps 100:4, James 4:8

xii. Speaking in tongues – close your eyes. When you pray in tongues, your mind & imagination become the portal of Heaven’s knowledge!

xiii. Obedience – the more I step out with what He gives me, the more He gives again! Matt 25

xiv. Through some trials – persecution teaches us character & IF WE DON’T respond to other promptings, He does use situations that bring pain to get our attention. He doesn’t just do any pain for some sovereign reason. Especially sickness, Jesus healed everyone…someone had to be in sin 😮.

xv. Repetition- things happening over & over for a sign

xvi. Peace – He speaks through supernatural peace.

xvii. His audible voice

xviii. Scripture

xix. Maybe others 😜

5. God’s voice always brings faith! If faith isn’t a result, then it wasn’t His voice! (Rom. 10:17, 1 Cor 14) Even if it’s conviction, it builds us & brings us to rebuild our ways (repentance). It’s always feeding our souls. This is the litmus test of hearing from God. Daniel 11:32 says it causes us to be strong & carry out great exploits, not just be spiritual.

6. The presence of God – we must have regular (30-60 min) worship & praying in the Spirit a day. We will grow in hearing from God, even those who used to hear God more. I promise it was because of elongated times in His presence. So why stop a successful practice? It’s your way up to breakthrough again!

1 Corinthians 2:9-13 says the Holy Spirit shows us things we’ve never seen, heard, or understood, so let’s spend more time with Him!

7. Practice makes powerful! Yup. Not perfect. Trying over & over again is what builds our muscles spiritually & trains our senses. If you are serious about hearing from God & growing in His presence, practice is what will make you powerful! Matt 7:24-27 relates to those who consistently obey or practice His commission of reaching & making disciples. We must hear from the Lord to make disciples & purposely be about our Father’s business! It helps us build!

8. It’s a Romance, not a religion! I believe the mystery of us pursuing God for revelation is what keeps us moving forward and in true Discipleship. It’s almost like a romantic relationship. He hides revelation from us, so we have to pursue Him on a regular basis to get and grow in revelation. I truly believe if He gave us all the details at the beginning of our salvation, there would be no mystery & thus no pursuit. There should be, but it wouldn’t be. He loves our pursuit! Keep pressing!

You Can Hear From God!

Praying for a visitation of His voice in every one of you. I truly believe it’s our day of visitation (Heb 2:6, Joel 2:28), so let’s not be distracted & pursue His presence & voice. Love you guys!!!

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