What are you waiting for?

It’s not going to change until we do! The seasons shift when we shift!

  1. God wants to give you something new, but He needs you to shed the old way of doing things. (Romans 12:2)

  2. ⁠The Israelites got stuck in the in-between. I pray you don’t. Yes, they left Egypt, but the first generation wouldn’t let go of Egypt as a reason not to enter the Promised Land 😭😭😭. Remember, when we doubt, it’s just a lie the enemy sowed—an excuse to validate our fears.

  3. ⁠God said it’s ours, but we need to fight!

    a. Changing ourselves is a battle, but I pray you win.
    b. Paul said to fight the good fight of faith… the fight is for your faith, not your goods or people. (1 Timothy 6:12)
    c. We are in a war, not a Disneyland vacation. No matter how much we liked the old doctrine of “easiness,” that season is gone. The truth is—and has been since the fall—we are at war. If we don’t fight, the war will come to us and our families.
    d. Fight for what we have been mantled with. The enemy’s goal is to stop people from getting saved (2 Corinthians 4:4), and if he can’t, he will prevent you from accepting the mantle, trying to make you wear your pain as a mantle instead! But the choice is yours!
  4. It’s time to pivot. This won’t be an emotional excitement or a wave of support—this time, it’s got to be your choice. Sure, your feelings may say you’re alone, but remember, there are over 600 million Spirit-filled believers in the world. The battle is the same: to keep them distracted with a grasshopper mindset (“I can’t” or “it’s too hard”). You are the generational breaker! You and this generation are waiting for you.

  5. ⁠Set boundaries and place people in your life for accountability. It’s your season, and it’s your time to cross over into the Promised Land!

Love you guys!

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