Victimization is inevitable but victimhood is optional!

If we can take it off the personal level you can get free to focus on the eternal!

Here’s a few things that may help:

1. A victim mindset convinces us it helps us but it doesn’t convince Satan to stop attacking or Jesus to start blessing. You (and society) are the only ones who believe that but the universe (God, the devil, or circumstances) doesn’t reply to it.

2. It may not be your fault – don’t worry, the culture we live in trains us by its vocabulary, media, schooling, & by what it celebrates, that victims deserve glory. Or minimally, have a right to not deal with their broken hearts to move forward.

3. The rest of the world keeps moving forward even though we draw back – having a mindset like this doesn’t help the world stop, won’t make it stop, nor will the world & life wait on you to catch up. I’m not sharing this to be insensitive, I’m sharing this so you push through your pain & allow the Holy Spirit to bring about change.

4. It Lowers your shield of faith

No matter how much we don’t want to agree with this, it’s the truth. So many don’t like the fact that God doesn’t respect this mindset or like the fact that faith keeps the devil out of doubt (this mindset hosts it) but it’s true. I may not like gravity but I have to respect it to learn how to love.

Please see through the emotion, through the strongholds, the demonic warfare, & struggle & help God help you get out.

Just repent & renounce this mindset out loud in His presence & watch the glory come in! Read: ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭9‬:‭29‬, ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭16‬‬

5. It punishes other people – not only does it hurt you, but it inevitably hurts others. The part enemy has convinced us that we’ll hate any responsibility with this but I say this, “if you don’t want to change for yourself or God, change for those around you”.

Everything we are & do has an effect on society, family, ministry, etc so let’s allow healing through His power, love, & sound mind to begin to free us.

6. Freedom– without knowing it, you are under the power of the enemy. Whether through a spirit or through a stronghold of thinking it’s keeping you in bondage & sabotaging your life, relationships, jobs, destiny, etc. let’s deal with it PLEASSSSSSSSEEEEEEEE. Read: ‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭6‬:‭12

7. Forgive what needs to be forgiven!

We punish ourselves when we don’t let go of pain, people, & places. Time doesn’t heal, forgiveness does. Letting go does. So many lost years of their life due to not forgiving themselves, God, situations, or others. It’s not worth losing any more of the special life God’s given us.

Letting go of misfortune, unforgiveness, disappointment, etc is a must to getting freedom.

8. Complaining kills the cat – complaining opens the door for more to go wrong. Don’t open the door. Keep a watch over what we say. I always say this, “You are live!”. The spirit world waits on what we say & believe. Hold back on saying things that are negative & try to release the opposite; praise! Read: I Corinthians‬ ‭10‬:‭10‬

9. Have Lion like eyes – Lions have a white strip under their eyes that reflect any light SO THEY CAN SEE in the dark.

Gratitude kills so much of the demonic in our lives, opens heaven over our lives, & LETS US SEE CLEARLY WHEN SITUATIONS SEEM DARK.

Gratitude is our flashlight in the darkness. We can turn it on well. In 1 Sam 30, David ENCOURAGED HIMSELF in the Lord & then he heard from God.

He took it upon himself. Nobody else was there to win this battle for him. Gratitude is the one thing we can do for ourselves that helps us receive wisdom, direction, & the voice of God. Read: ‭‭I Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬:‭18‬

10. This world wasn’t our reward. Most of the things our hearts are not letting go aren’t our reward! Our reward is in eternity not in this life.

It’s a war, not a Disneyland vacation or Hallmark movie.

Yes! There are good things that are nice but WE SHOULDN’T need anything in THIS LIFE to obey our Heavenly Father.


Sometimes us not wanting to let go is stopping correct grieving processes for things that were taken away. It’s never pleasant but it’s ok to admit we lost whatever it was, incurred whatever we did, & begin to take baby steps to have joy, faith, relatability, & more for the journey ahead.


Truly love you guys! I’m believing for the more & the Wind of the Spirit to open prison doors & set hearts free. If you have any questions you can message me.

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