Unlocking the Power of Faith: Transforming Your Mindset for Success

Your Mindset is Everything!

“Then He touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith let it be to you.” ~ Matthew 9:29 NKJV

“Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” ~ Mark 9:23 NKJV

If you believe it’s harder because you are new at this, then it will be harder. If you believe it’s harder because you are single, it will be harder. If you believe it’s harder because of your gender, your age, your race, your history, your pain, etc, then it will be.

WHATEVER REASON YOU GIVE THE DEVIL to stay, he will use it to stay or reach you. Whatever reason you give God to save you (faith), He will save you.

Some things about faith in our mindsets that may help:

1. God seems to let us set the limits of what’s possible…son of man, can these bones live…Ezekiel 37. In Numbers 14, God told the PEOPLE to spy out the land…He leaves faith in our courts.


2. God never set limits to anyone’s faith – Peter asked Christ if it was Him that He’d call him out on the water…and Christ did. When the disciples told Christ a guy was healing people who weren’t disciples, Jesus didn’t stop them. Numbers 11:29, when Joshua was stopping the 2 guys in the camp, Moses didn’t stop them. FAITH IS THE VERY THING THAT PLEASES GOD. Why would He now limit you?


3. Your mindset predicts your outcome. If you are negative, you will get negative. If you are based on faith, you will still get more than the negative version!


4. Both faith and fear anticipate something that hasn’t happened yet. You might as well choose faith and please God.


5. Communal negativity- The reason it’s so hard for you to be faith-minded is because the world celebrates a negative mindset or validates a victim mindset to the place you may actually believe these faith people don’t know…but the truth is, you don’t know God yet! So be that breaker in society, be that breaker in your family, be that breaker in your gender, and be that breaker in your generation! Choose a faith mindset.


6. You will fail – Faith isn’t for the fainthearted. Just like riding a bike or anything else, Faith takes some trial and error until you get to the breakthrough. But after that break, who starts to work? It’s addictive.

Tell yourself, God, and others, “I give myself permission to make mistakes because that’s how I grow.”

The world is ahead of the church! We have to be able to fail to win the race. Rejection and a spirit of religion are always a weapon against faith.

Who cares if you sink in the water? All the others stayed in the boat! I’d rather sink than be safe.

Everyone who is safe never makes it in the books! It’s time to launch into the deep.


7. Faith isn’t a panic button we push in times of emergency but a muscle that’s built through reading and obeying. Faith takes time and obedience to develop. Matthew 7:24-27. I call it the trust ladder. Abram didn’t know who he was (Abraham) until he left his country. God builds us and our faith in steps of obedience, not just lessons in a book. Want more faith? Step out more in the area you want to grow in consistently. We don’t wait for faith; we cultivate it after we hear the Word through obedience.


8. Watch out – those closest to you can be the greatest threat to your faith! Eliab, in 1 Samuel 17, was an aggressor against David, removing Goliath.

In your time of breakthrough, your family or closest circles can keep you from opportunities for your destiny, but the whole country! It’s time to break through!


9. The enemies after your faith. Realize that it may feel safe to be in fear, pity, or excuses, but the very place you are stuck in is the very purpose the devil hurt you. By us staying negative, he’s won because your faith isn’t activated, and now the life God planned for you to have is not being engaged! That life destroyed the devil.


10. A mindset of faith is a mindset that hears from God! 1 Samuel 30:6 says that David strengthened himself in the Lord before he heard from God!

A mindset of faith, praise, and expectation positions us to hear from God because it pleases Him to stir our faith up!


11. Negativity is all based on self! Although pity seems like a holy vindication for the pain we’ve gone through, it’s really all about me! It’s just vindicated pity not to change, love, or obey! It’s crazy how deceptive the enemy is.

Let’s allow the Lord to show us WHERE a negative root started, repent for adopting the negative outlook, ask God to heal the wound, forgive yourself, God, and others, and then ask God for a heart to be able to trust again. Write reminders to stay in Faith and watch a new life arise!

Love you guys!

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