Unlocking the Nuclear Power of Discipleship!

In a society driven by individualism, the vital practice of discipleship has been overlooked, leading to a decline in the church’s authority, influence, and power!

We have abdicated our role in society. People have abdicated their role in health to fast food. Spiritual growth to Joel Olsteen. Husbands abdicate their role to their wives. Wives abdicate their role to their husbands. Parents abdicate their role in the school system. Families abdicate their role of discipleship to the church. The church has ABDICATED its role of discipleship to HAPPINESS 😭😭😭.

In the pursuit of happiness, we have given away everything that matters & the church is winded, and out of breath. They are being asked to run a race they aren’t trained for!

Don’t worry, it’s not your fault until today. This is an institutional indoctrination to pursue happiness. It’s the enemy of all discipline!

Jeremy Bentham in 1776 was first credited with articulating the creed of HAPPINESS. But America took it & ran.

No!!! I’m not a hater of progression but leaving discipleship wasn’t progression, it was a spiritual depression!

If it’s about happiness, we all get there a DIFFERENT WAY. “What makes you happy isn’t what makes me happy so don’t tell me what to do” đŸ€ŻđŸ€ŻđŸ€Ż

Let’s take a look at some things that may help!

1. It’s a HUGE FOUNDATION of the New Testament. When you take a third of a foundation out from underneath a house it all starts to crack & eventually fall apart.

We need discipleship on being a follower of Jesus, gifts of the Spirit, boldness, character, integrity, manhood, fatherhood, womanhood, motherhood, “marriagehood” (new word 😏), body care, ministry, financial literacy, boundaries, holiness, dating, etc

The church is losing its influence because we aren’t following the pattern. The Bible is the answer to all of this! Read ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16‬:‭2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬, Proverbs 14:12, ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28‬:‭20‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

2. Jesus paved the Way to Success!

Jesus is Genius! We duplicate to dominate!

The reason why the church has lost its power is because we’ve trained people it’s ok to do their own thing as long as it’s in partial adherence to the Bible.

So we need to get back to Christlike living. Healing the sick. Casting out demons. Making disciples. Loving our enemy. Remaining unspotted from this world’s way. Character. Integrity. Honesty. Work or Business.

Marriage works if both do God’s Way. Finances work if we do it God’s Way. The family works the same. The business works the same. Society works if we love one another as we would want to be loved BUT USUALLY, it breaks when PEOPLE don’t like it God’s Way 😭😭😭. (Romans 6:23, Romans 8:7, Proverbs 13:15).

I can hear it, I don’t agree or believe & I get it, but it’s years of cultural formation to come to the disagreement of the Bible. So it’s not an intelligent or Spirit-led disagreement, it’s simply carnal 😭
ok. This point is getting heavy, let’s move on 😊

3. If it’s Not Broken Then Why Fix (change) It?

Discipline works! It causes health. It doesn’t feel healthy but it causes health.

Everything behind us individuating from the Gospel, discipleship, marriage, giving, and accountability is an evasion of the pain of discipline. It’s like avoiding the gym; it’s not God leading us away, but our flesh. This avoidance doesn’t profit us or the church (John 6:63). Our bodies become unhealthy and prone to disease by listening to the flesh, which gratifies our senses. This is what has happened to the body of Christ.

4. It Comes Back to Our “Why” For Existence

I can’t vouch for Simon Sinek, but “Start With Why” is revolutionary. Why are we on this earth? First, for a relationship with God. After knowing Him, it’s to witness for Christ.

My goal is to make Jesus believable in everyone’s heart. Through my character and integrity to coworkers, friends, family, and those who see my life. Through my love to the lost and the church. By showing the power of His Spirit to everyone, including my wife and kids. My life should testify to His resurrection.

If our “Why”, is not based on our life for Christ (it’s ok to be honest) it’s most likely based on our personal happiness.

Christ died to save me from my sins so my life has to be so others can receive the same. So everything I do has to point toward Jesus looking awesome & people starting to look like Him.

Even in marriage? What’s your why? In parenting? In Business? In friendship? If we go back & sort out, Why’s” discipleship Jesus Way is no longer an argument, it’s a necessity.

If our goal is to be happy, Jesus (of the Bible) becomes an enemy. I believe the devil was strategic in bringing the pursuit of happiness in
it’s been the argument in our hearts against contentment, godliness, child rearing, evangelism, holiness, etc 😭😭😭

5. Lesser Levels Mean More Devils – “It doesn’t take all that”
I’ve heard so much. People find someone who looks, “happy”, & then say while they’re happy, so it’s ok. But look at the Western world, it’s gone to hell in the name of happiness. As though there was a Scripture that says, “God wants you happy”. Did the New Testament church have this mindset??? No. They had a save-the-world mindset. Make Jesus a believable mindset, no matter the cost.

How could they be burnt alive, cut in two, skinned alive, impaled by stakes, fed to lions but still preach the Gospel, live holy, & obey Christ???? They duplicated the heart of Christ & not the heart of the world.

Lesser levels bring more devils into a marriage, family, church, country, etc.

6. Discipleship Defeat’s Demons!

You may have heard me say this but GOD boundaries take out 90% of all spiritual Warfare. Discipleship is keeping the boundaries that Christ set for all generations.

Do we want to get the devil out of any area? Hold the line! When we don’t discipline kids (& spend time) rebellion starts. When we don’t discipline our flesh, rebellion starts. Soon enough we are our gods & now the Way is an enemy or those who preach it,

Discipleship is the Way!!!

Love you guys!!!

By the Way Every Believer University starts July 1st! Don’t miss it! Head over to everybeliever.org & sign up

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