Understanding Overcompensation!

What is overcompensation???

Overcompensation involves making excessive efforts to counterbalance a perceived deficiency or insecurity. It often manifests as exaggerated behaviors or attitudes.

Where does it stem from???

Pain!!! It usually stems from inadequacy, low self-esteem, or past traumas. Understanding the underlying causes is crucial for addressing the outcome!!!

It may be sabotaging your family, marriage, money, ministry, etc all the while you think you are even doing a noteworthy or Godly calling! 😭😭😭

I see this in parenting, hearing from God, politics, marriage, theology, ministry, jobs, money, etc

I had a friend under an authoritarian pastor & then he broke free & went to another pastor who almost didn’t have any values or discipline! I told him to identify the wrong but don’t break your destiny by swinging all the other way! Let’s get rid of these!

I’ve seen parents who had nothing growing up make sure to give EVERYTHING their kids wanted & it ruined kids. Or grow up with abusive parents & then not discipline children & then the kids lose their God-given traction.

I’ve seen people train about hearing from God not to say anything that would bring about change to the place the prophetic now is tolerating Jezebel, endorsing lifestyles…even of the supposed men of God, & not setting the captives free 😭😭😭

Let’s deal with this! Will you allow me to talk about a sensitive issue in person?

Here are some things that may help you!

1. Embrace Vulnerability & be honest! To fix a cycle we must be able to honestly assess our actions & behavior. No matter the pain, it doesn’t validate a wrong process or behavior. Don’t make your future, future jobs, future kids, future ministry, etc pay for pain we didn’t deal with. Let’s be ok to be honest!

Off you can’t seem to be honest with yourself Because it makes you feel that pain will repeat, grab someone to help. I know your spirit man or woman wants to stop cycles the God way so grab someone!

a. Be honest with the pain. We validate the pain, not the process
b. Be honest with the process you’ve adopted…don’t keep deceiving yourself
c. Be honest about the real solution – God’s Word
d. Be honest about the realistic fight you will have to go through to set yourself & families free from this trap. This helps us be ok with the journey.

“Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
‭‭James‬ ‭5‬:‭16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

2. Identify – after you are honest, identify how you are overcompensating. Be ruthless. Remember, unless you identify the thief he keeps robbing you.

a. Identify that people are broken, not the truth
b. Identify that people are broken, not the systems
c. Identify that people in all forms of relationships & authority are broken, not the function, relationship possibilities, or offices. The devil convinces even those in the closest relationships, ordained offices, or highest levels of authority to be evil. That’s why it seems the system is broken because people are broken.

3. The Bible is the truth – I will say something. So many have been hurt by those who used the true Bible out of context, said they were Christians, pastors, prophets, etc. but abused the position or authority to be wrong so that when you talk about the Bible they get triggered & will not be open to it.

Remember, the people doing the pain were wrong, not the positions, relationships, or functions. Principalities use personalities so your future will go OFF THE TRACKS of safety so the devil can perpetuate the cycles in life.

Remember, if there is chaos there probably is a truth not being implemented or believed in because of past pain. TRUST ME, you don’t have to be like those who did it wrong by canceling the truth, just realize they didn’t follow the truth. The truth (God’s Ways) always works.

“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.””
‭‭John‬ ‭8‬:‭32‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,”
‭‭II Timothy‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

4. A Wrong Can’t Fix a Wrong – even if your heart has a great intent but you build a house that isn’t square, doesn’t have a foundation, or doesn’t have a roof, you will face BIG DIFFICULTIES later on if not travesty.

I know it hurts but let’s set the building according to the right blueprints. Pain came most likely because someone didn’t have the right blueprint growing up but now you are doing the same thing in a different direction.

A wrong will not fix a wrong. Darkness cannot drive out darkness.

The word wicked comes from the word wicker…wicker wood or furniture is just twisted wood or out of its original state…when we twist God’s word or put another spin on it that’s what causes the enemy to get a hold of things in our lives.

I’ve seen This one mindset be responsible for so much demonic activity in families, marriages, destinies, personalities, & more!!!

The devil is the one who did the same thing to the people who caused pain. They had some kind of perceived pain (or were just evil) & chose to go about trying to fix THEIR pain with a wrong process called overcompensating. They felt a loss of control & thought abuse was the only way. They only knew rejection so you just received their language…but let’s STOP THE CURSE!

The curse stops with the truth!!!! Pleaseeeeee! If you need help with this please reach out.

I’m sorry for your pain in all my heart & I’m devoted to destroying Satan’s intent with that pain by you setting yourself & all the people (who will not see the truth because our overcompensating is causing wrong fruit) free in the future.

Remember, overcompensating just repeats demonic cycles just in a different complexity.

5. Don’t TRY NOT TO BE like, just be like Christ.

I see so many RUNNING AWAY from broken images that caused pain instead of running to the Savior. “I don’t want to be like that”, “I’m not going to be like dad”, “I will never do things like so & so”

Even callings that God never ordained come from our devotion to overcompensate! Let’s try to calm ourselves down & realize that FEAR is still as BAD AS LUST or any other sin…it just makes us feel validated because our society validates fear & victimized thinking over heroes & truth.

We tell ourselves it’s for a good reason but remember, fear is as much as an enemy as anything else we just have to tell ourselves that a “running away”, mindset will work.

Granted! Get out of abusive places but realize it was the place or person that was bad, not the truth that needs to be changed!

This is why the enemy sows pain when we are young & unsuspecting. Our responses aren’t personal, they are statistical. I believe the enemy came back then to sow but after we accepted the wrong processes it’s mostly us causing chaos due to wrong processes.

Let’s pursue becoming like Christ instead of trying not to be something else. It works. They failed, the marriage didn’t fail. They failed, God didn’t fail. Somewhere someone failed, the truth didn’t.

6. Fruits of overcompensation:
– chaos in life
– Insecurity and Fear
– Pride and Ego
– Perfectionism:
– Lack of Authenticity
– Strained Relationships
– Increased Stress
– Burnout
– Lack of Contentment

7. Let’s Rebuild to Last
– self-esteem God’s way
– boundaries that keep us Biblical & away from abuse
– stay vulnerable
– read God’s Word
– Get a godly community to help
– trust God’s Way
– pray…a lot
– depend on God’s voice
– secret place secret place secret place
– be patient with the process & with yourself
– stay alert – it’s easy to fall back to comfort

Hey guys!!! I love you mucho. Let’s not try to get the right thing by going about it incorrectly. Let’s deal with this & be a generational curse-breaker! Love you guys! Believing in healthy marriages, family, ministries, & minds!

“For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.””
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭30‬ ‭NKJV

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