Truths About Fear & Faith!

So many have a hard time peeing away from fear and grasping faith.

I mean, people who are prophets, people who are fathers, mothers, young, old, married, single, business leaders, or employees, this is a worldwide struggle.

Here’s a couple things that may help you

1. Faith is the currency of heaven. Faith is our friend – no matter the fear, Faith is our friend. “I’ve tried that”… faith isn’t a trial. It’s a persuasion to leave a “safe” way, into the God Way. Hebrews 11:6

    2. Faith isn’t a panic button we push in times of emergency. It’s a muscle built by the relationship of hearing God & then obeying Him. Matthew 7:24-27

    3. God never rewards fear. Fear wants God to be ok with it but He never is. No matter how much God loves & understands pain He still commands us to choose His voice & His side of the story. Praying for you to step over your pain! Matthew 25:14-30

    4. Fear is our Enemy – no matter how much fear makes us “feel” safe, it’s leading us to our death. Proverbs 29:25 says that the fear of man brings a snare…99% of American Christians are afraid to share their faith…it’s leading our nation to death. Other countries can be better or worse but let’s choose faith!

    5. Fear always Compromises God’s Voice or Word

    “Has God said”, “Do you need to do that to be saved”, “is that my calling”, “Nobody else does that”, “pastor so & so doesn’t believe that” etc. There’s always a lesser level but it strengthens the devil. I pray our legacy isn’t a “could have”, “almost did”, “wanted to”, but never did.

    6. God’s Voice always builds faith
    Even if it’s correction He trains me, makes me, & builds me…Romans 10:17. The true expression of God’s voice & Word always brings faith. It’s who He is.

      Revelation hewn out of the secret place & obedience produces unstoppable faith.

      7. Faith doesn’t fight true wisdom – wisdom isn’t looking out for just you & your own, it’s being able to solve things. In the NT they looked for Spirit-filled deacons who had wisdom on distributing food to the widows.

        Now, we think wisdom is to stay out of trouble. That’s never been wisdom. Wisdom is obeying God’s voice. But to do justly & to love mercy & to walk humbly with our God. Micah 6:8.

        The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…Proverbs 9:10…when we fear God we put His Ways over our feelings

        8. Both fear & faith are Anticipating things that haven’t happened yet so let’s choose faith

          Faith is the lenses we wear that attract to power of God to our situations. Let’s wear those lenses!

          9. Faith’s strength is realizing the spiritual realm has supremacy over the natural – Hebrews 11:3

            The unseen made the seen & the One who made it is our Father. We have a way to His heart & it’s BELIEVING His heart for us & all mankind.

            10. Faith’s Strength is built on the Fact God truly loves us.

              John 1:12, Ephesians 1:4, 1 John 3:1…How great of a love that we were seen before earth was made & chosen to be sought after that He could lavish His love upon us as real sons. His love is so deep & so wide…it will build you to being so strong.

              David said that God’s gentleness made him great. It says in Galatians 5:6 that faith works through love…

              Let’s get rid of fear by realizing fear doesn’t help & by focusing on God’s love that He individually has for us!

              Love you guys!!

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