There are those who buy & those who sell!

When someone has something you don’t, humility and hunger allow you to obtain it.

So many are delaying their futures and destinies because they refuse to humble themselves to buy from those who have.

When you acknowledge you don’t have and God or someone else does have, it opens the door or buys it from heaven for you to have.

Humility is the key. If you aren’t hungry for more, there is no humility to see you need more.

Humility, humility, humility!!! It is the key.

10 Keys to Help With Humility:

1. Pain always raises pride as a self-savior to protect itself. If you have gone through rejection, bullying, abandonment, abuse, etc, you may have a hard time doing this, especially with another person, but WE NEED TO. Ask God where the root came in & start to dismantle it. No matter how great the pain, God still doesn’t let us go through the door with pride 🥹🥹🥹 (1 Pet. 5:5,6)

2. Humility isn’t self-rejection, timidity, or lacking personal value for oneself, but the ability to see where we actually are, where we need to go, & the resolve to go through the process to get where we need to go.

So many don’t admit where they are powerful, put off invitations due to false humility, or don’t preach or risk because of timidity & think it’s humility, but it’s just victimized pride 🥹🥹🥹.

3. Be humble on purpose to grow in this. Prefer others over yourself. Celebrate, validate, & listen to others’ lives, stories, or processes without sharing yours.

If you always have to share or even up the score, it’s most likely not a passion play but a pride play because of not being validated when you were young.

4. Recognize that no matter the pain or cost of true humility, pride will never get you to the promised land. It will just delay you from getting there.

Humility is good pain. Bad pain is unnecessary delay. Let’s not delay the place God is bringing us to. Let Him do your bidding.

5. Learn to be appreciative of others. If we can’t be grateful, it’s just pride that is in the way.

6. Be okay with being wrong. Learning from mistakes instead of denying or making excuses for them should be our go-to.

Remember, circumstances being the reason for our bad character is like saying the mirror is for our bad hair days! It’s okay to be wrong 🙏🙏🙏

I know this is foreign to us, but only pride sees humility as a threat. Let’s lower bridges, & be more about reconciliation than being right.

Righteousness shouldn’t need to be compromised, but sometimes, if it’s not a huge moral imperative, let it go.

Secondly, if it begins to be a consistent action or treatment, we can humbly introduce a crucial conversation.

7. Flexibility is an excellent characteristic of humility. It’s hard, though, when our life is out of control in our minds. The NEED for control is derived from some sort of pain, so we never have to be “out of control. ” They are outside measures to cure an inside instability. Instead of making everyone pay for your Instability, seek God, read books, & even a therapist if needed for healing.

Making others obey the safety structures for our triggers, annoyances, etc., isn’t ok. We have to become healthy & healed people.

8. Be okay with making mistakes. Better be a novice in the new & move forward than a professional of the old & miss your moment.

This just deals with rejection, pain, & performance. God is always MOVING, so we must grow to keep close to Him.

This statement always helps, “I give myself permission to make mistakes because that’s how I grow.”

If you have a hard time making mistakes, you may have a hard time giving others grace, for there’s too 😊

9. Practice forgiveness… it’s not personal. Principalities use personalities. We only want retribution when our hearts have taken up an angst against someone.

Yes!!! Consistent mistreatment needs accountability, and then boundaries of accountability aren’t helping, but don’t take it personally. It’s just the enemy testing us.

10. Get to know God – the more we know the Lord in the secret place, read His Word & get revelation, & watch those who have humility, the more we become humble. He is the mirror of who we really are.

Let’s strive for humility today!!! It’s your next promotion!

Love you guys

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