Updated: Sep 17

The Power of God

1. It was all about Jesus – the Old Testament & New Testament are all about Jesus. It was never about the law, the sacrifices, or about the prophets, but the Christ they were speaking of, looking forward to, & and the types they were pointing to! Jesus was the explicit nature of God revealed. He demystified God so we could finally, in these end days (since Pentecost), know Him & His plan. All creation was waiting for this moment (for Christ to come & redeem what sin stole from us).

2. It is all about you! It was about you & me & the lost getting found by Him. He was looking for that lost sheep, that lost coin, & waiting for the prodigal because His value of love was placed over you. Have you ever wondered why some people love wretched people or why some have favor from people? It’s the VALUE God placed over you to consistently reach everyone. He’s not trying to get you into ministry but into intimacy…to find you. This whole thing is a love thing for you & me. This is eternal life (what it’s all about) that you may know Him & the Son He sent – Jn 17:3 they say the value of something is determined by the price paid for it your life was ransomed by the blood of Yeshua, His only Son. Who was sent on a mission to pay for your & my sins?

3. It’s about the power of the Holy Spirit – He, the Holy Spirit, came to charge Christ’s message with power so everyone could be rescued from satan’s power – Romans 1:16. This was to destroy satan’s hold on people. The power of the Gospel is the multiplier of His message, so He can really destroy Saran’s hold. It’s God’s intent to display His message with power so that the whole world (195 nations) can be saved.

4. It’s about you again; what will you do with the Son’s life? With God’s plan for this world? It’s never had anything to do with OUR plan but His plan. We can be about our plan but call it His ministry & it may just be our plan. I pray today you would allow the Holy Spirit to awaken you to His love, His power, & His plan for you & the people of this world. This world or the life here wasn’t for us, but now a mission we are being sent on to save & redeem those who are here.

Love you guys! Allow the power of Christ to rescue us again, heal us, & then send us to the nations.

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