Sororities and Secret Societies are Just Like Sorcery

Saul began to look for OTHER sources to support his kingship after he stepped out of the covering of God’s Will. It’s not like this one act removed him from being king. He already had removed himself from trusting and fear of the Lord 🥹🥹🥹

So many times, I meet people who are looking and leaning on other sources like sororities and secret societies, but it’s witchcraft.

Sororities and societies have oaths that bind people to allegiances that God wasn’t for in the first place.

I’ve seen people manifest when bringing up the need to renounce oaths and allegiances to secret societies and then refuse to go on any longer in freedom because of their allegiances.

Part of our freedom is to renounce allegiances other than to God alone!

Thus says the LORD: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man And makes flesh his strength, Whose heart departs from the LORD. Jeremiah

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