Silent Whispers, Loud Battles: The Psychology of Spiritual Warfare Explained

Spiritual Warfare!!!

The how’s, why’s, and what to do’s! I’ve had so many people caught unaware, hurt without knowing why, and seem to be unable to defend themselves in spiritual warfare. This is how you can win! 

Here’s a few things you need to know: 

1. The devil knows that God uses men so he fights men to deter God’s side from ever taking root. 

You are the object of God’s love and the extension of His authority, of course, he wants to attack you.

Read: ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭12‬:‭12‬ 

2. You’re the one who will stop the devil & who has the power to change history. 

God uses men but so does the devil. Entities use personalities! This is why it’s so important you know which side you are on and are aware of the pain the enemy uses to derail God’s plan for you. 

The reason you have been hurt so bad, tempted so much, distracted most of the time, and offended is because the devil knows how to stop the Christ (or he thinks he does statistically) in you (Colossians 1:27) from happening. 

God uses people to win. He’s waiting for you to fight for Him. David knew this in 1 Samuel 17.


God fights with us and for us but AFTER WE GET IN THE FIGHT. The Bible says, “These signs will follow” (Mark 16:15-18)…it didn’t say lead. God follows us but leaves it to us!

Read: ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭115‬:‭16‬‬, ‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭22‬:‭30‬


3. We are in a war, not a Disneyland vacation

Knowing we are in a REAL war helps our mind with perseverance, pain, trauma, and purpose. When you understand WAR, you know that casualties are expected although uninvited. When you think you are on a vacation, upsets are unexpected & therefore traumatize us even more. 

Trauma comes mostly when people don’t expect bad things, breakups, etc to happen but we are in a war! The fact you’ve been wounded shows we are in a war. 


When we believe everything is controlled by God we become victims of a sovereign God instead of conquerors of a defeated foe.

A providence mindset is a Disneyland mindset. “Everything should be good and nothing should be bad if God is good”. A war theology shows us that man gave his authority to the devil & now Christ bought it back but commissioned EVERY BELIEVER to go enforce it. It’s like we are the soldiers of enforcement & proclamation of a great spiritual emancipation proclamation. The world needs to hear it!

Part of this mindset believes this world isn’t our reward! It’s our mission. If we are born into war we act differently than on a vacation. We act soberly and run purposely. Read: ‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭9‬:‭26‬-‭27‬‬‬, ‭‭I Peter‬ ‭5‬:‭8‬‬


4. ⁠Devils don’t play fair and the devil isn’t everywhere.

This is why it says to be strong in the Lord & to put on the WHOLE ARMOR of God (Ephesians 6:10-12). It’s not like God controls the devil’s moves but He gives us power, protection, and direction to stop the world of Satan.


If we don’t listen to these training and responsibilities, how can we blame God? 


Don’t blame God or stay stuck in your struggles. Move forward like an army of God. Seek help through prayer, counseling, therapy, and deliverance.


5. ⁠Position Yourself

Get in the secret place, repent and renounce of fears, sins, disobedience, stubbornness, pride, attitudes, victim mindsets, etc. When I go in the secret place I’m always asking God to search my heart. 

That was in Psalms 139…after living for God and accomplishing so much David was still reverent to God and not entitled to what he’d already done for God. This can be a trap. 

Be mindful of your actions and words, as they may give the devil legal rights. Cancel negative words, oaths, and curses spoken over you. Get rid of anything new age or demonic, and forgive those who wronged you. Seek the Lord’s guidance on what to remove from your life.


6. ⁠Proclaim the Word over your life! Out loud!

Anything that seems to be remaining, kill it by proclaiming the opposite of it. Search the Scriptures or buy books that have focused Scriptures & prayer points.

I confess the Scripture over my life in & after the Secret place! It’s a Sword to areas the enemy is trying to come in! Read: ‭‭James‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬, ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭17‬‬‬

7. Generational Stuff – this has to do with unrepented of or continued agreements with sin, tolerated sin in our families, practices, attitudes, sicknesses, etc.

Whatever we tolerate will dominate. Ask God for any continuing curses, sins, and sicknesses in your family, and repent of allowing them in your life. Renounce them and do not let anyone speak them over you.


8. Sin Itself

Yes, there is Grace but sometimes it’s an excuse! Make sure you have truly repented (you know you ain’t going back) and renounced all of it. 

Sin separates us from God. Grace is a gift, but we must remember our relationship with God is like a marriage. We can’t use ‘forever’ as an excuse for adultery.


Ok! There is more but this is a start!!!


You can have victory and fewer attacks following these & changing your thinking.


Love you guys!!!



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