New Creation Realities – You are Made of Two Realms!


If you know who you are, and what you are here to do, take yourself seriously, know the system we are in because of sin, and know God’s character, you will always be on top of the world, hear from God, and change the world.

Identity changes everything! It’s the difference between being a caterpillar and a butterfly. It’s the difference between being bound or being free. So much of the body of Christ is bound to sin, shame, doubt, fear, limitations, etc just because they don’t know. Many HAVE HEARD doctrine but remain the same. Mind renewal isn’t just lessons, it’s LESSONING the grip of this world on our lives


Mark 7:13 says that the tradition of man makes the power of God of no effect! That means wrong teaching can cap our growth, experience, and receiving from the Lord! Today’s lesson will set you free!


1 Thessalonians 5:23 says we are made of three parts. We are a spirit, we have a mind, will, and emotions, and we live in a body.


Let’s go through some things that will help you get free from some limitations.


1. You are a Spirit – you are made of both Heaven and Earth. It would be best to say it out loud at least 100 times before this sinks in. “I am made of both heaven and earth”. This recalibrates your mind and how you see yourself so you can expect from who you are.


Read this…”God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” – John 4:24…and we are made in God’s Image (Genesis 1:26)…we are spirit as He is. The number one part of us that connected with God was our spirit man. But when Adam sinned, we lost that connection to God. That’s why He seemed like a distant God. The very Israelites weren’t born again, they knew Him by His acts, His physical glory, and through the law.


Many times we try to know God through our mind, will, emotions, or feelings but the problem is, we don’t know that we are already connected through His Spirit because we are spirit. You are now made of two realms.


You’ve figured out what it means to be a son of this world, let’s now grow into becoming a son of God.


Hearing from God is a cinch! It’s easy if you understand that His voice comes through your spirit man by His Spirit (1 Cor. 2:9-14).


Pray in the Spirit and close your eyes. I would encourage you to do this as an activation. Pray in tongues with your eyes closed while thinking about someone…you will begin to hear, see, or feel for their lives…Now pray in the tongues with your eyes closed toward a situation you need direction in….you will begin to be communicated to by His Spirit.


The problem is, that you’ve been waiting to hear from God through your mind, will, and emotions without knowing that He speaks to your Spirit.


2. Jesus Was the Image of What Humans Function As


He was the second Adam. Before Adam sinned, he was perfectly connected to the Father. Jesus, born without sin, (2 Cor.5:21) showed us what really a human looks like….whatttttt???? Yup


Sinning is less than human. Doubting is less than human. Not hearing from God is less than human. Living in fear is less than human. Lusting is less than human. For whatever reason, we have grown comfortable with those who have fallen as examples instead of who we are now, BORN AGAIN (2 Cor. 5:17) NEW CREATURES. We are new creatures now. Born Again. We are born of the SAME DNA as God who is our heavenly Father. The problem is, in our unrenewed thinking, we think that our UNTRAINED mind, will, emotions and bodies are actually who we are but WE ARE SPIRIT. Remember point one? We are now SPIRITS who have a mind, will, emotions, and body…OUR SPIRIT man has to train our bodies, mind, will, and emotions to obey (1 Corinthians 9:27)


So Adam and Jesus lived and led by their spirits which were seamlessly connected to God. NOW we, because of the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit can be HUMAN…walking with God like they were through the Spirit (Romans 8:14)


3. The Spirit World Has Supremacy Over the Physical World


Hebrews 11:3 says that the spiritual realm made the physical realm. That means the spiritual realm is the more real realm and the realm that’s in charge. God created the heavens and the earth and people perfectly but then we sinned and gave the enemy the right to influence and even govern (Romans 6:16) the world.


But since Christ came, He paid for the legal right to regain rulership over satan and over creation to be given back to man through His sacrifice and resurrection. He made us new creatures and gave us authority (the backing of heaven) to now enforce His will (Christ’s commission).


He said we could command the mountains to be moved (Matthew 17:20) into the sea. If you actually believed you had the covering by God, the right (authority) from Him, and the power (through the Holy Spirit) a physical mountain would move.


That means we can cast out demons, that means we can heal the sick, etc. That means God is with us (Matt. 1:23 Immanuel in ALL OF HIS WILL HE has given for us to do. Are you ready?


You are made of two realms but your spirit man is the biggest part of that! Your mind and emotions are now just tools for you to use for the Kingdom, not leaders.


4. Our Mind, Will, Emotions, and Bodies are Now Weapons and Support for Our Spirits!


1 Corinthians 3:16 & 6:19 say our BODIES are now temples of the Holy Spirit!


Have You ever watched BIG HERO 6? It’s a movie where a robot who is made to heal gets his CHIP exchanged and then because of a different CHIP, it becomes a mean assassin. It’s the same thing with us. The only thing that made us a sinner was our fallen nature or our spirit that was lost in the fall.


Since then, our body, mind, will, and emotions have been trained by the devil to be evil, lazy, or limited…the problem isn’t a sinful nature, that’s gone and replaced with the new. The problem is the renewing of our minds and us living by the Spirit charging our spirit man through the word. We now are just learning what it means to be HUMAN (sons of God/heaven) and not living like children of the devil (1 John 3:10)….what sets us apart is our new creation but that new creation (who you really are) wants to train your mind, will, emotions, and body into being like Christ.


Just think, you were created (born again) to hear from God, love our enemies, heal the sick, move in the Spirit realm, cast out the devil, have character, etc! That’s exciting…all we have to do is submit our minds, wills, emotions, and bodies to our spirit man who is being directed by the Holy Spirit.


Don’t let religious teaching keep you down. You can live like Christ because that’s who He made you to be.


Here are the Scriptures for the above teaching.


Love you guys


‘By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.’Hebrews 11:3


‘Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble; ‘II Peter 1:10


‘And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.’ Romans 12:2


‘My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.’ Hosea 4:6

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