Ministries Exist Because People Begin to Have a Vote of Confidence

Ministries exist because people begin to have a vote of confidence in your person, substance, and consistency…

So…get powerful, get character, and stay consistent.

People are LOOKING for His voice & a place to identify with or call home. There is nothing fighting you but you. You are the variable in this equation.

Some things that will help you get started:

1. Goals – without a vision (clearly set out goal), you may find yourself the same next year.

Goals create urgency, action, growth, & clarity.

I find so many in the Spirit-filled arena not setting goals, getting frustrated, blaming closed doors on the devil, etc., because there are no goals (real & agreeable) in place. 

Note to self: once these goals start helping you grow & be powerful, don’t stop. No use stopping that which works. After all, the goal is to be a help to your heart, not the other way around (the goal isn’t our heart, Jesus is)

“Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, But happy is one who keeps the Law” Proverbs 29:18 

2. Specific Goals 🥹

Vague goals typically don’t create motivation, measurable results, or clarity.

A. What are your goals in character – we should have some, too

B. Your body – it’s not number one, but it shouldn’t be the neglected one 😳

C. Obedience – how fast will we obey, in which areas will we obey (because we compartmentalize), & areas that we don’t obey

D. Passion – what’s your intimacy & passion level for Christ? Do the former things…get inner healing or deliverance to get back

E. Gifts of the Spirit – how many people a day, a week, or month will you evangelize, heal, prophesy, & disciple?

F. Finances- how much are you going to stop spending, save, give, invest, change your ways, etc

G. Daily goals, weekly goals, monthly, yearly goals, 5 years, 10 years, etc 

H. Emergencies- how do you plan to handle them? If you pre-think emergencies, you have a better chance at navigating without as much collateral damage.

I. Ministry goals – full-time, apostolic (your own partners pay you), church planting, itinerant, prophetic, or married with business (marketplace)? What’s your goal 🤓

J. Secret place – time, how deep, & what do you want to experience?

“Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end, it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.”

Habakkuk 2:2-3 

3. Accountability/ find someone who will tear you down & build you back up again, & then keep an eye on you 

If you are looking for someone to give you sympathy (which is needed in some seasons), don’t worry about this person or growth. 

“Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But deceitful are the kisses of an enemy” Proverbs 27:6 

4. Fear of the Lord – some take this as everyone has it, but do you really believe Jesus (same as the Bible) is Lord & allowed to be in every attitude, heart issue, & direction of your life?

A governor is a device that limits the speed of a car so it doesn’t get into the red zone or unsafe for its existing zone. 

The fear of the Lord is supposed to be an attribute of having the Holy Spirit – Isaiah 11:1-3. It’s a governor to our souls.

This touches our trust, heart towards others, & more.

5. Grace

Have patience & forgiveness with yourself & others. Much of our pain is how well we ACTUALLY love others & ourselves. 

Just a few helpful tips if you see yourself in ministry. 

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