Jacob’s Secret Sauce of Success

Updated: Sep 16

Jacob discovered how to INCREASE his inheritance by changing what was before them. They multiplied to look like exactly what they watched. There are a few lessons here:

Jacob’s Secret Sauce of Success

1. Your atmosphere changes your outcome. 1 Cor 15:33 says that outside influence affects inside beliefs. It’s impossible to keep environments, people, & things around you that don’t represent where you are going in Christ. Every time I go to the next level in ANY area, it comes by changing my influence level, what I’m watching & listening to, & what my attention is given to.

2. Hope isn’t a strategy. Hoping for change without owning your growth track to tangibly change your eyes, ears, atmosphere, & people’s diet is futile. We can’t get in shape without actually CHANGING what we eat & CHANGING where we go. It’s a must.

3. We must be ruthless! One of the Scriptures 👇👇👇 shows how worldly people are sometimes wiser in their execution of action. Although we want everyone to come with us, most of them won’t come UNTIL YOU GET THERE & then can lead the way. Most hesitation with changing environments, churches, mentors, people, spiritual diets, etc., has more to do with our unwillingness to be alone in our pursuit than our heart for those to come with us.

Jesus KNEW HIS FATHER’S will was more important than bringing everyone with Him He cared about. It’s so hard, but needed to get where you need to go.

I can’t stress this point enough! Don’t be accidental! Life has a way of supplying mediocre or “good” influences naturally, but it takes purpose & real intention to have the grit to change your input.

4. Culture changes everything. Whatever tolerates begins to dominate. They are enforced as though it was Cultist. Why do cultures keep going? There is enforcement. Some of you who are rising in Christ will be led to preach, minister, or prophesy against cultures you grew up with in church, family, ethnicity, nationality, economic, etc.

Even our problem with change is the punishment from those who are bound by Culture. This fear keeps us from changing & becoming all Christ intended.

I can almost guarantee your biggest struggles are the struggles of those that surround us the most. Denominations, relational statuses, nationalities, economic history, ethnicity, etc., all have WAYS or accepted practices or beliefs contrary to the word for a GOOD (victimized reason) reason.

I challenge you today: the biggest reason we are currently where we are, good or bad, is the culture or atmosphere we have adopted before we got to this moment.

Your biggest hurdle is replacing that which continues to validate your current reality.

God’s culture is ONLY the Word and WILL TRULY set us free. The only issue is the understanding of the God we read, the temptations we encourage, and the limitations we currently face, which could be due to lenses from the culture we have toward God & Scripture.

It’s like Acts 19. Those jokers hadn’t even HEARD of the Holy Spirit. They had to RECEIVE from someone different. The ones who led them to be baptized by John’s baptism were great but weren’t the final destination. We must move to our full completion & it’s possible.

You are who you are 85% for the reason of culture more than just God’s Word or your dedicated application (unless you have already done this)

5. Success! Before I broke through in healing, not only was I reading books of those who HEALED 1000s, prophesied to 1000s, etc., but I watched how they did it, & then I did it how they did. Success we all want, but change is the Way.

(Small Secret🤫 this is true discipleship & that was Jesus’ genius 😘it was the foundation of the New Testament success, not individuality.)

If you take your advice from those who have no fruit (like they have 1000s of testimonies,, not a few) in the area, you will look like they do soon enough.

So, we must seek out those who are winning. Watch people who are winning in action, do their practices, & listen to their teaching.

Please, please don’t stone me. “Good” Christians are nice, but they WON’T get you to where you need to go.

There was a book called “Good to Great,” & its conclusion highlighted those who took purposeful changes (not leaving spouses) in business direction to see miraculous results. I invite you to change your diet to retrain at least 200 hours in the field you want to excel in to see your breakthrough in Christ.

6. You’re called to be great & not just good. Don’t stop at breakthroughs; don’t stop until your life is a breakthrough. I just heard the other day the difference between those who are good & those who are great is after a breakthrough. We can rejoice, but then we need to Rule. Move in your new discipline until it’s SECOND NATURE. That’s how you know you’ve changed. Metamorphosis. Romans 12:2: you haven’t renewed your mind unless you are now FLYING AS A LIFESTYLE & not just once in a while.

I’m convinced we are only victims of our lack of retraining & not so much a sovereign drawback. We must pursue until our lives change!

Welcome to Jacob’s Secret Sauce of Success!

Love you guys

“So the master commended the unjust steward because he had dealt shrewdly. For the sons of this world are more shrewd in their generation than the sons of light.”

“Now Jacob took for himself rods of green poplar and of the almond and chestnut trees, peeled white strips in them, and exposed the white which was in the rods. And he set the rods which he had peeled before the flocks in the gutters, in the watering troughs where the flocks came to drink so that they should conceive when they came to drink. So the flocks conceived before the rods, and the flocks brought forth streaked, speckled, and spotted. And it came to pass, whenever the stronger livestock conceived, that Jacob placed the rods before the eyes of the livestock in the gutters, that they might conceive among the rods. Thus the man became exceedingly prosperous, and had large flocks, female and male servants, and camels and donkeys.”

Genesis 30:37-39, 41, 43 NKJV

Luke 16:8 NKJV

“A man’s gift makes room for him And brings him before great men.”

Proverbs 18:16 NKJV

Supposed to say, “If you take your advice from those who have no fruit or barely any instead of those who are seeing 1000s of testimonies in the area we are trying to grow in, you will look like those soon enough. Like mediocre multiplies mediocrity. Power multiplied power. 🤓

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