I Heard This From The Holy Spirit

Updated: Sep 16

Christians aren’t victims of their love language. They are victims of God’s love for us. “By this, we know love because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” I John 3:16 NKJV

I heard this from the Holy Spirit

Christian’s love language is AGAPE!

The reason why we are not is because we need something other than His love & His Spirit. It’s another substitute. Yes, we should strive to give those around us THEIR love language, but we shouldn’t need someone to feed our love language for us to love them back.

We love them consistently because Christ loved us & died for us while we were sinners.

Time in His presence gives us His ability & love (Rom 5:5, John 15) for others around us.

Too often, we think we are victims of our personalities or love languages, but that’s worldly. He’s already poured out His love to us & our reciprocation is toward God & everyone who is before us.

In Matt 5 it talks about loving our enemies because if we just love those who love us the way we want, we are no better than sinners. Our devotion to CHRIST causes us to love others, not what they do.

His power isn’t restricted by anything but our willingness to believe.

Of course, it’s nice when people do reciprocate, but we are made for Christ & this world & those in it are still not our reward.

Allow the Lord to absorb the punches & pour out His heart towards you.

Yes!!! It takes time in the secret place to do this, but that’s what makes us believers, abiding in His love.

If we don’t, we place a burden on those around us to heal us, fill us, etc., in God’s place. It’s too big of a burden.

People will try their best to love us but still fall short & sometimes do not do their best, & others attack us. This is why our dependency on the Lord is crucial.

This is a personal application. There is no need to tell your favorite other who isn’t loving you that they need to. That’s exactly the opposite of this message 🤭

Love you guys!

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