Here are some issues I’ve found people have moving regularly in the power of the Holy Spirit

1. Lack of Faith

  • Doubt in God’s Promises – We are struggling to believe that God will provide for financial needs despite biblical assurances. It’s crazy but I meet more financially paralyzed gifted people 🥹. It’s hard to minister to others until we get our hearts into order.
  • Fear of Disappointment – Avoiding praying for healing because of past unanswered prayers.
  • Reliance on Self – Trying to solve problems independently rather than seeking God’s guidance and intervention.


2. Inconsistent Prayer Life

  • Lack of Discipline – Not setting aside dedicated time for daily prayer and communion with God.
  • Distractions – Being easily distracted by social media or other activities during prayer time or instead of His Word & Worship. The average American spends 508 Minutes a day on digital media 🤯🤯🤯. Don’t tell me we don’t have time. http://(
  • Superficial Prayers – Praying out of obligation or blessing me mostly mindsets rather than having heartfelt, meaningful conversations with God. A true kingdom heart YEARNS for His kingdom to invade Earth!


3. Unresolved Sin

  • Hidden Sins – Keeping secret addictions hidden hinders experiencing God’s power. Years pass by hoping secret addictions will get better. Get help today!
  • Lack of Repentance – We may acknowledge sin but not take steps to turn away from it. Acts 3:19 says His Spirit pours out on us when we are repentant!
  • Unforgiveness – Harboring resentment towards someone, which blocks spiritual growth & the grace of God for us 🥹


4. Negative (Lukewarm or religious) Influences

  • Toxic Relationships – Being influenced by friends who discourage or don’t promote New Testament faith and promote negative behaviors. Also, the Bible says that wherever envy & strife are, every evil is there…James 3:16
  • Media Consumption – Proverbs 4:23…guard your heart with all diligence!
    Consuming entertainment that promotes ungodly values and distracts from spiritual growth.
  • Environment – I call this communal unbelief. Living in a home, friends, family, culture, or country where faith is not practiced or respected.


Culture is DNA based…it’s what happens without effort. We must train at a deeper level!


5. Misunderstanding of God’s Nature

  • Viewing God as Distant – Believing that God is uninterested or disconnected from our personal struggles and daily life. Adam knew an intimate Father but when he sinned He became a distant God. When Jesus came, He removed all separation between us & our Heavenly Father. He’s now (should be) an intimate Father.
  • Fear of God’s Judgment – Avoiding intimacy with God due to a fear of punishment rather than understanding His love and grace.

1 John 4:18 “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear: because fear has torment. He that fears is not made perfect in love.”

  • Misinterpreting Scripture – Misunderstanding biblical passages that speak of God’s power and promises. So many times because of a community who didn’t know God or have the right training we think we know about God even if we have doubt. It’s crazy but most people who never see healing seem to know the most about it.


6. Lack of Community Support

  • Isolation – Not being able to participate in a community, church, or small groups, that are filled with people chasing the glory of the Lord. This leads to a feeling of loneliness in their faith journey.
  • Lack of Accountability – Not having accountability partners to encourage and support spiritual growth. This is KEY.
  • Encouragement – we were meant for community! But God community Lacking a supportive network to provide encouragement and prayer during our growth or challenging times 🥹


7. Busyness and Prioritization – is it really a priority? Priorities are things that are done before anything else or before we go to bed! They are the have-to’s & not just want-to’s.

  • Overcommitment – Filling or allowing our schedule to be filled with activities that leave little time for God.
  • Work Priorities – Prioritizing career advancement over spiritual practices and growth. We need to provide but if we are losing sight of New Testament DNA we need to make a shift. I’m not talking about quitting our jobs.
  • Family Responsibilities – even family obligations can crowd out personal time with God or daily growth steps.


8. Spiritual Warfare

  • Temptations – Facing constant temptations that distract from spiritual focus. Remove them! (Matthew 18:9)
  • Complaining – 1 Corinthians 10:10…I find people who are fear or devil-conscious are always letting negative things out of their mouths. It could be slander (James 5:9) or just negativity. These are dinner bells for demons. We don’t have to complain or slander…we are commanded to do the opposite.
  • Lack of Armor of God – not equipping ourselves with spiritual disciplines to stand firm against spiritual battles. Ephesians 6:10-18. This is our responsibility & if we don’t, it’s not God’s responsibility!


9. Past Hurts and Trauma

  • Trust Issues – Difficulty trusting God due to past experiences of betrayal or hurt. Remember, God didn’t do it.
  • Emotional Wounds – Carrying unresolved emotional pain that hinders spiritual openness.
  • Skepticism – Skepticism about the supernatural or God’s goodness due to past traumas and hardships.


10. Impatience with the Process – Galatians 6:9

  • Instant Gratification – restaurants give us food fast so God should make this easier right? Nope. Character is fabricated in the process of pursuit.
  • Lack of Perseverance
  • Misunderstanding God’s Plan – it wasn’t ever about us, even in our pain, it was about stopping God in you! God wants us all to move in His power! We all have different upbringings, doubts, fears, hurts, sins, etc to press past. Give yourself, God, & the process, more time to break through!


Love you guys

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