God Can Never Grow Us If We Don’t Take Responsibility For What Comes Out Of Us

If there is always a reason why we are acting a certain way, we need to let Christ deal with certain pains in our lives 🙏

It’s time for a healing check-up.

Read all the way down 👇

If it’s always the things that happened to us or what someone did to us, then we never grow OUT OF THAT BOX.

Don’t we see that’s the very reason the enemy hurts us? So we make a protective box that has a SCRIPT.

The definition of a Script is:

The written text of a play, movie, or broadcast.

We call these LIFEscripts 🤯🤯🤯 Please keep reading 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Lifescipts are simply attitudes, thoughts, reactions, & reasons why we PLAY (in the enemy theatre) a victim, rage, entitlement, lust, sin, etc…it’s the same thing we do In certain situations, timings, relationships, reasonings, etc…some say cycles.

Character CAPS keep us going around the mountains & yes, keep us from destiny.

ONCE YOU take the BAIT of Satan to believe the victim’s side of the story & build a NARRATIVE, then it’s a stronghold that we just call a reaction or reason for that response!

The lifeSCRIPT responses we have are CAPPED areas of character that we have victimized ourselves into & the enemy makes sure we believe it’s so bad that NOBODY “understands” or can have a seat in that area. 😭😭😭

Please, please, please keep on. We never think these areas are the problem because we are victims in these stories. The enemy has told us to PRODUCE 🤯🤯🤯.

We can let God or Satan be the DIRECTOR of our Scripts, but WE ARE THE ONES that are the PRODUCER of the Script or the one who AGREES 🙏🙏🙏 with either one.

These lifescripts or character caps keep us from the very places, people, jobs, businesses, ministries, etc., we were called for (right now, it won’t agree – but IT SPEAKS 😳 …that means it’s protecting itself now 😭😭😭), but we won’t take our guards down…. here’s why ….please, please.

1. Pain (or perceived pain…still valid) always looks for a SCRIPT or reasoning to heal it or stop it from ever happening

2. ISOLATION – the enemy uses OUR SITUATION of real pain to isolate us from reaching out to heal it the right way, so we internalize it our way, but the enemy was IN THAT WAY helping direct our emotions.

There is a good chance someone wasn’t there, but I meet so many that had or didn’t have someone there, but still, the enemy isolates, so it’s APPLICABLE. If it’s not, you know who may be behind your script.

1 Corinthians 10:13 “except such as COMMON” to man… it’s only the enemy that makes every pain seem so unfair & personal, so you never get free to fulfill your ETERNAL destiny 🥹🥹🥹

3. A OTHER THAN TRUE PROCESS. So, we pick a process. This is a SCRIPT, narrative, or way of protecting ourselves, vilifying certain character types, defensive statements, identity coping statements, etc, that start to PRODUCE A FILM (lens over our eyes so we see life in a certain way) that changes how we ACT IN CERTAIN SCENES or REACT with our scripts.

4. Entitlement – we are then entitled to concrete this way of thinking, attitude, acting, reacting, sin, lifestyle, etc, because THEY DON’T understand… it’s a TRUTH to their emotion or presented as a SALVE, a savior to remedy, or at least temporarily FEEL good about bad thinking or responses…

Let’s tear down those 2 Cor. 10:3-7 mindsets 🥹

5. Limited – almost everyone in these times of pain (again, whether real, someone else’s pain, or perception of the level of pain it’s more real to you than anyone) adopts these SCRIPTS, BUT it STOPS their emotions & character from maturing because they have SCRIPTS instead of actual solutions or maturity to now ACT the Christ Way or have His mindset (1 Cor. 2:16, Phil. 2:5-8)

So many adults with childish response mechanisms & emotions are walking around…why? These times of trauma, pain, perceived pain, & SCRIPTS we have produced (not alone, I understand) have actually CAPPED our intelligence instead of CARING FOR US as they promised.

Whew…that was a lot right.

6. Let’s ask God where we are capped, where we are scripted, where we are triggered, etc. & find out at what point we got locked into this way of thinking.

a. Admit there is a problem. If this seems impersonal or insensitive, you may not be ready to deal with it & it’s okay.

b. Validate the pain – once you see where it was, you turn to this reasoning.

c. Repent of the process- Jesus is your Savior & healer now, not this process.

d. Cry, worship, & repeat ab & c until you sense a release.

e. Reach out if you need deliverance or help, BUT ONLY if you’re willing to deal with this at a root level.

f. Learn how the enemy uses emotions to cap our destinies.

g. Remember, it’s not personal. It’s only against the eternal.

Love you guys 🥹🥹🥹

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