Get Rid of the Reasoning!

Updated: Sep 19

Get rid of the reasoning! They clung to a reason why they couldn’t, SO THEY WOULDN’T BE responsible for what God was saying they could do. So many think God thinks victim, but He doesn’t. Yes! He loves, but He leaves in the wilderness. He lets people go to hell if they are persuaded to. It’s OUR RESPONSE to His greatness He’s looking forward to.

Get rid of the reasoning!

Look at Saul. He never let God’s qualification replace His NEED for others to accept him. He never lets the grasshopper mindset go. He had the choice like we do, but he REASONED God’s ASK to be too much.

Gideon was the same. He went back to playing the harlot.

David, however, messed up but refused to make excuses; he just repented.

1. God’s got you covered more than you think

2. Yes – we must be audacious towards His ASK

3. NO, people will not always understand. We don’t & Jesus doesn’t want people to walk away or cling to the safe version, BUT He does let us.

I’m asking the Holy Spirit to search our hearts to remove the grasshopper areas.

Get in the secret place & allow the Holy Spirit to set you free 🙏🙏🙏

and we were like grasshoppers in our sight, and so we were in their sight.” Numbers 13:33

Hey guys, I’m just reading Ezra, and as I’m reading Ezra, I feel like if we’ll be diligent to heed the call of God, he’ll raise Cyrus, that will help your schedule serve the Lord Jesus. Cyrus said go back and build the house of God, and I believe that as you are loyal to your work and produce fruit with a great attitude, the Lord’s going to grant favor to do extraordinary things for the Lord or times off or whatever that may look like

Oh my gosh, can you hear the Father’s voice In this passage? He’s looking for those who had gone to build the house of God. The message is out there! He’s asking you to create, build, build!

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