Emotional Intelligence

One of the biggest problems we can get into is our emotions! In this season, emotional intelligence is a must!!!

Principalities use personalities, and they are usually connected to us. No matter how much we want things and people to change, let’s change our perspective so that we endure and remain untouched by Satan’s biggest tactics. You can learn to minister or exist in any environment.


Here are some things that will help:


1. Emotions are never intelligent! They always lie to us.

Yes! This is about emotional intelligence but being led by our emotions or heart can get us into trouble. One of the biggest steps in maturity is accepting the fact that we can’t trust our own emotions.

Self-discernment or self-awareness is a huge key that helped me get over me! Read Hebrews‬ ‭5‬:‭14‬


2. Character is in place by core values but emotions unchecked will always be swayed by happenings.

Do you know in 1776 a philosopher named Jeremy Bentham sold America that happiness should be our pursuit and even the church adopted it?

Happiness is based on happenings. I’ve traveled the world and seen that those happiest aren’t those WITH EVERYTHING their emotions are asking for but those who have their feelings trained by the boundaries of gratitude & character.

Character, true joy, and gratitude are always put in place by the fear of the Lord. If we lack gratitude ask God for the fear of the Lord!


3. You are a Spirit who HAS emotions, make sure the real you is in the driver’s seat. Emotions can change our minds and our minds can make up our will (non-negotiable part of you) so we must be careful what we allow to pass through as truth otherwise your spirit man and many times, the Holy Spirit will be a passenger, and sometimes a passenger who has no say where you’re going!

OUR TRUE SELF needs to be in charge or else the enemy can use our emotions to take us out of the will of God. Read‭ ‭I Corinthians‬ ‭9‬:‭27‬‬, ‭‭I Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬:‭23


4. Many times our current emotions are based on past pain.

Pain can lead to suffering if not properly dealt with, stunting emotional and spiritual growth. The enemy targets us when we are young or unsuspecting, hindering our development.

To be able to see this, we must have a humble heart, and a willingness to see ourselves.


I can almost guarantee, that any emotional suffering is because of past pain that hasn’t been processed or things “we aren’t letting go of.” This is the most compassionate thing I could say so you truly get healed. Holding onto pain only keeps us suffering.


5. See that the world is Full of Pain

It’s not just you. People who feel isolated may struggle to find healing from Jesus. Isolation can also hinder God’s healing. Pain is so personal and the devil never wants us to let go of it because he doesn’t want us truly free, BUT IF WE CAN GET OUTSIDE of ourselves to see that pain is a worldwide pandemic we will be less moved by it. It’s worse than COVID!

If we can see it’s about eternity & not about me, we can press past this pain. Pain is temporary but eternity is not. Our cross-bearing is now & our reward for denying ourselves, even the right to cater to our pain, after this life passes. Let’s live for the line, not the dot!

Watch this 2 min illustration https://youtu.be/86dsfBbZfWs?si=tmHGP_XWX5PvzrR8


Read 2 Corinthians 4:17, I Corinthians‬ ‭10‬:‭13‬, ‭‭I Peter‬ ‭4‬:‭12‬‬‬


6. We must see pain as normality- we don’t expect it nor invite it, but we are in a war. Rejection will happen. Betrayal will happen. Murder will happen. All of these will happen but as soldiers of Jesus let us press past the evil of the day & redeem the time! (Ephesians 5:16)

Whether we do right or wrong pain will come. It’s unavoidable! So let us do right!


7. The more mature we get the less we take things personally.

In 1 Corinthians 13, it says love Believes the best. That’s emotional intelligence. Agape love IS EMOTIONAL intelligence. It’s when we FEEL like people should or shouldn’t do certain things SO IT MEETS A NEED OR DOESN’T hit a nerve. The problem is, that agape is always giving, pain always wants to take. Choose agape!!!!

I believe Ephesians 6:12…it’s not the person but the enemy using them. In Luke 23:34 I agree & say, “Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do”. Only a demon knows where you hurt to have folks hit you.

Realize we are in a war with a bad devil who hurts people.

Their brokenness is being used against me by the enemy, but God is faithful. Let go of the pain, as holding on only keeps you down and stops you from your mission.


8. To the pure all things are pure – Titus 1:15.

When we are pure (not holding pain in either) we see things as pure. Yes! People do bad things but I never approach people according to the last person who hurt me. They aren’t the issue.

We can let the enemy win by growing a hard heart. It’s a war! It’s only the enemy using people to stop your heart from being open, honest, trusting, and vulnerable.

When I struggled with jealousy, I accused those who were innocent. My past was ruining the relationships of my future 😭😭😭.  This is how the enemy works. Let’s deal with our pain so we can have a child-like faith.  Read Matthew 18:3, 2 Corinthians 5:16


9. In this season, deal with pain! God told me 6 months ago to make sure my heart was in order, in the right place, and healed to be ready for this next season! Thank God I was.

Pain normally doesn’t get better with time so WHATEVER IT TAKES, let’s not let suffering go longer than intended!


10. Guard Your Heart!  Ok, it sounds a wee contradictory but I mean to guard your heart by following these things I’ve been talking about!

It’s not just what we see & hear with our eyes & ears, it’s the thoughts we allow the enemy to make axioms to our hearts. We must study the Word (2 Timothy 2:15) so we are not ashamed when we meet Him. I don’t want to have wasted my life with emotions because I took the bait of satan!


Open our eyes Lord so we can see your way of looking & receiving.


Love you guys! Praying for your hearts to align with His emotions!!!

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