Don’t Let the MAN Side of You Take Out the Mantled Side of You

Don’t let the MAN (flesh, fears, bad habits, attitudes, triggers, wounds, & weirdness 😏) side of you take out the mantled side of you.

It’s never the mantle that fails, it’s the man side of us that fails.

  1. Awareness – ask God where the weak (flesh, fears, bad habits, attitudes, triggers, wounds, and weirdness 😏) part of you is.
  2. Admit it – admit it to yourself REALLY & get someone who is HOLY to help you get deliverance and keep you accountable.
  3. Own it, don’t blame it…blaming things, God, & people will put off the availability of your heart to the inspection of the Holy Spirit. We have been victimized, but we don’t have to accept a victim mindset.
  4. Be serious about it– be sold out to uproot it, fast it, replace it with Scripture, get counseling for it, etc. We spend so much time & money on things that don’t fix us instead of that which would free us to become what we were meant to be.
  5. Will Too – whatttt? Our soul is made up of mind, will, & emotions. True self-love is delaying immediate pleasures or COPING mechanisms & employing forever measures to see yourself succeed. Self-deception or denial is self-hatred; it’s putting off the work or good pain to see the LONGTERM game won. 

Get someone, write the benefits of changing on paper, watch YouTube videos, or do whatever it takes to get the WILL part of you to change. We can be emotionally excited and mentally convinced, but unless our will changes, we may not employ a change in our hearts.

You’re mantled! It’s the season & hour! 

Love you guys

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