Distraction Can Be Our Biggest Demon!

Think about it! Nobody is forcing you to stay away from the very things you were born for, you are just giving in to wrong invitations.

Distraction is investing the currency of time in a stock that always fails. Why do we think it will pay? Some of us are going idea broke, financially broke, relationally, spiritually broke, destiny broke, holy broke, loving broke, exercise broke, business broke, bold broke, etc because all your time & energy are going to distractions.

This is why the enemy has sold us the lie that distractions aren’t enemies:

1. You’re the only one who can stop him. God uses people to stop devils. Let’s remember it’s just a tactic of Satan so he can keep robbing, stealing, & killing from our generation.

2. ⁠To Divide Your Attention – To split focus and resources, making it harder to respond effectively to the main threat. If you don’t focus on the task our strength is divided & not truly harnessed. You are powerful! You are just distracted!

Create Confusion – To sow confusion and disorganization, making it difficult to formulate a coherent response. God isn’t the author of confusion. 1 Corinthians 14:33) You don’t have to much to do, you’ve allowed too much in!

3. Delay Response – To slow down decision-making and response times, giving them a strategic advantage. If you miss the Kairos moment you can miss your breakthrough, your promotion, your next assignment, etc…don’t be distracted!

4. Exploit Weaknesses – To identify and exploit vulnerabilities that may be revealed during periods of distraction. The devil is just seeing how vulnerable or naive you are with his temptations of distractions!

5. Disrupt Planning – do you ever have unfinished goals, books, new years resolutions, etc???? I promise it’s distraction. It’s a demon so you never get to your deliverance. It’s to interfere with strategic planning and execution, causing plans to fail or be delayed.

6. Lower Morale – the longer you put off obedience, faith, challenges, & courage related activities, the more your morale goes down. To weaken morale by creating a sense of chaos and unpredictability. Matthew 7:24-27 says faith is founded when we follow through!

7. Misdirect Efforts – To lead opponents to focus on the wrong areas, wasting time and resources. The devil don’t mind if you do things that don’t destroy him. Even good things don’t damage him. Let’s not be distracted!

8. Increase Errors – I’ve ALMOST gotten in a few wrecks because I was distracted. You get in so many less accidents in life when you are focused.

9. Reduce Efficiency – why are things taking longer? Distraction. You get more bang for the buck if you are focused! To decrease overall efficiency and effectiveness, making it harder to achieve goals.

10. Create Opportunities – distractions create openings for surprise attacks or other strategic moves while the opponent is distracted.

This is how you may be distracted!!!

1. Technology Overload – Constant notifications from smartphones, computers, and other devices.

2. Multitasking – Trying to do too many things at once can lead to frequent distractions.

3. Environmental Factors – Noisy surroundings, cluttered spaces, or interruptions from people around.

4. Boredom – Lack of interest in the current task can make distractions more appealing.

5. Stress and Anxiety – High stress levels can make it difficult to concentrate and stay focused.

6. Lack of Prioritization – Not having clear priorities can lead to shifting focus between tasks.

7. Social Media – The addictive nature of social media platforms can pull attention away from important tasks.

8. Fatigue – Physical and mental tiredness reduces the ability to stay focused.

9. Poor Time Management – Inefficient time management can result in frequent interruptions and distractions.

10. Procrastination – Avoiding tasks that seem difficult or unpleasant can lead to seeking distractions.

11. External Stimuli – External events or changes in the environment that catch attention.

12. Hunger – Being hungry can make it difficult to concentrate and more prone to distractions.

13. Curiosity – Natural curiosity can lead to exploring unrelated topics or tasks.

14. Habit – Being in the habit of frequently checking devices or engaging in other distractions.

15. Mental Health Issues – unresolved offenses, pain, processes, etc will make sure you get distracted! Let’s stay focused!

Love you guys!

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”
‭‭I Peter‬ ‭5‬:‭8‬ ‭NKJV

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