Dealing With Fears! In An Unconventional Way

Updated: Sep 18

Dealing with Fears! In an Unconventional Way So many feel victim to their fears as though they have an endless wait for inner healing, but here’s a way to be free today!

Dealing with Fears! In an Unconventional Way

1. To move forward with fear, you have to understand fear. Fear is an emotion that is triggered by pain from the past or the threat of pain from others. Fear starts off as an emotion, but the hen it’s surrendered to becomes a stronghold that can lead to the bondage of a Spirit. Don’t listen to fear.

2. Fear (the devil) reveals Its intent by its threat. For instance, “what if you fail?” Reveals that he will make you fail in life by not trying. “What if I’m rejected?” It will stop you from leading to the place where you are supposed to connect with upper-level leaders. “It won’t work!” It is to solidify the fact your inaction will definitely bring no fruit. “I can’t trust.” means you never trust people or God & never reach God’s purpose for you because the devil knows you won’t get there by yourself. Voices of fear always reveal their intent by their threat. Don’t listen to fear.

3. Fear promises you safety but seals your death in an area of life THAT IS CONNECTED TO DESTINY! Fear always commands you to bow & offers you safety or protection if you bow like a bully, murderer, or terrorist, but kills you or hurts you in the end anyway. Fear never pays! Don’t listen to fear!

4. Fear always has an isolated intrinsic presentation of impossibility. “Your situation is different,” or “They just don’t understand your situation.” Whatever the reason, we are putting fear threat over God’s promise. Don’t listen to fear.

5. Although rational to our emotions, fear is irrational. Emotions, triggered by our own interpretations of situations or a demonic influence, are never intelligent. It’s always appealing to our need for safety but kills our destiny. Don’t listen to fear.

6. You will die anyway! Look at the Lepers mentality 👇👇👇. They feared dying or being killed but said, “we will die anyway.” Gods had me go to the worst-case scenario & realize that it’s really not that bad, “I’ll see Jesus.” Meaning the worst thing that happens is that I die. But I’d rather die doing right than die holding back. I’d rather be rejected for telling the truth than eventually be rejected for not standing for the truth. I’m 44. I’ve lived a decent length & whether I’m doing right or wrong, people betray me. They reject me. I have life-threatening things that come close, but when I’m following Jesus, I have perfect joy & I’m fulfilling my purpose! So just tell yourself you’re going to die anyway 🤓. I’m going to be rejected anyway. Let me get rejected following Christ. I’m going to suffer anyway, so let me suffer following Christ. This is counting the cost at its best. It helps deliver us from fear. Don’t listen to fear.

7. Staying in fear & thinking it will work out anyway is self-sabotage. God intends & requires us to break molds of fear so we can step out in faith. No matter how much I’ve wished or hoped God would do something without me overcoming, He just waits until I’m ready. So step out. Realize we are only hurting ourselves, not protecting ourselves. Don’t listen to fear.

8. Neutrality is just living in fear, calling it wisdom. Yes! Non-moral imperative fights are not needed, but staying away from applying truth in love, environments that seem dangerous, taboo topics, or choices that seem unsafe in the LEADING of the Holy Spirit are just disobedience masked by the victim-hearted reality that Jesus respects my fear. Again, your pain is real, but the process you’ve adopted to cater to that joker isn’t righteous. Don’t listen to fear.

9. Listening to fear keeps us in the wilderness. Look at Israel in Numbers 13 14 and the fear-driven talent guy in Matthew 25…when they thought fear was a legitimate reason to hold back, it turned out to be a form of behavior that reaped more pain in the end. I know it’s hard, but heaven doesn’t respond to the fear of the past repeating or a bad future happening. It responds to faith in God’s version of the story. Don’t listen to fear.

10. Fear and faith are similar in this one way: they both anticipate something that hasn’t happened yet, so choose faith! Don’t listen to fear.

11. Fear comes from the enemy, not from God. It is an entity that is lording over your destiny. Not the odd occurrence where we mistakenly veered from situations but a habitual reality. Fear is not mostly a personality but a demonic entity whose whole intent is to kill, steal & destroy. Don’t submit to another entity but to the Lordship of Jesus. Fear isn’t our reality, just another entity. Let’s press on in faith! Don’t listen to fear.

12. Fear isn’t beat with thoughts, but our voice Matthew 4:4 Jesus responded with the Word. I’ve broken fears through warring with God’s Word against my fear. I had a showdown once where fear itself came in at night to intimidate me into going into bondage. I fought OUT LOUD with God’s Word until it left me! It never came back. You must resist fear on purpose & with the Word. Jesus’ wilderness was forty days because He used the Word. In Numbers 13-14, Israel gave into fear & it took 40 years & the generation who feared not to enter. Use the Word & please… Don’t listen to fear.

2 Kings 7 Now there were four leprous men at the gate entrance; and they said to one another, “Why do we sit here until we die? If we say, ‘We will enter the city,’ then the famine is in the city, and we will die there; and if we sit here, we die also. Now, therefore, come, and let us go over to the camp of the Ara means. If they spare us, we will live, and if they kill us, we will but die.”

Dealing with Fears! In an Unconventional Way

Matt 25:25-29 “So I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here, you have what is yours.’ 26 But his master answered him, ‘You wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed? 27 Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming, I should have received what was my own with interest. 28 So take the talent from him and give it to him who has the ten talents. 29 For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”

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