Churches Are Hospitals, Not Museums

Updated: Sep 16

Churches are hospitals, not museums. We build disciples, not primarily better services.

We multiply the commission& not our personality. Let’s change church culture! Jesus remains, and our programs or personalities die.

Churches are hospitals, not museums

My mandate is to multiply Christ, not Greg. He’s without a need for interpretation, symbolism, or hyperboles. His Way is clear, but our motives aren’t. Let’s move to doing this for Christ & not our purposes!

Love y’all

Individuality-minded Christianity has been responsible for a pagan reality in the church. If you get to do what you want & call it Christianity & then your followers do the same & so on, we now don’t have Christianity. We have a feelings-based religion that isn’t even Christian. What makes us Christian is if we follow Christ, not our own ideas of what WE THINK God wants.

We can be doing a good thing, but it won’t be Christianity. We MUST REPLICATE Christ as He was & said explicitly so we continue to make disciples. Christianity, as we know it, isn’t the Christianity in the Bible. It’s a feelings-based, partially moral program that tells people they have an eternal guarantee!

Let’s get back to Christ.

There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death (Proverbs 14:12)

For ministry, if you are accountable only to people outside that ministry, don’t expect promotion within that ministry, saying you are not open to their accountability. #frustratedfollowers

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