Love is Taking Chances on God & People!

Be Careful!!!! The Love of Many Will Run Out! Love is like oil in our lamps! Oh, Lord! That you wouldn’t let our hearts dry up! Oh Lord, don’t let love run dry!

Hearing God Changes Everything!!!

God wants to speak to you! About your situation, your family, your delay, your destiny, & so much more. Here are some things to remember to position your heart to hear from God.

What Role Does the Holy Spirit Play in All of This????

Paraclete (Gr. παράκλητος, Lat. paracletus) means advocate or helper.  

So many have issues or misunderstandings of the Holy Spirit due to denominational & doctrinal conflicts. We don’t know if He’s coming or going. I hope some of these things will clear it up for you as they did for me.

You Must Be Willing To Die For It

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field” Matthew 13:44

Matthew 10:39 “Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for My sake, will find it.”

You Are the Sleeping Giant!

I had this encounter with heaven where the Lord showed me the largest & strongest army that had ever lived…but they were asleep!

Wait!!!!! I don’t think you know where this is going!
I don’t think you know the biggest issue you have is the way you see yourself, the way you see God, & the way you see the system.

Emotional Intelligence

One of the biggest problems we can get into is our emotions! In this season, emotional intelligence is a must!!!

Principalities use personalities, and they are usually connected to us. No matter how much we want things and people to change, let’s change our perspective so that we endure and remain untouched by Satan’s biggest tactics. You can learn to minister or exist in any environment.