Humility’s Remedy!

Humility is like our Heavenly Father. Jesus was God but didn’t ask for worshippers, He asked for followers of His Ways which were just His Fathers for an example for us. That’s humility.

Worship is the Start but Not the Finish

I worship quite a bit. I’m in the secret place. I talk about the secret place a lot but people think worship alone will awaken people, equip them, convict them, change them, or send them but it’s just the start & the foundation for all of the above.

This is How We Crush Religion and Fear!

Fear is fed by a victim mindset – victims of a sovereign God instead of conquerors of a defeated foe. We train & disciple as though God isn’t with us.

Positional Sacrifice! The Secret of Faith!

Jesus was the “propitiational” sacrifice for our sins but why???

The Father so loved us before the foundations of the world that He gave Himself (His Son) to bring us back into relationship as sons of God!

Understanding Overcompensation!

Overcompensation involves making excessive efforts to counterbalance a perceived deficiency or insecurity. It often manifests as exaggerated behaviors or attitudes.

I have Issues!

Here are some issues I’ve found people have moving regularly in the power of the Holy Spirit

New Creation Realities – You are Made of Two Realms!

If you know who you are, and what you are here to do, take yourself seriously, know the system we are in because of sin, and know God’s character, you will always be on top of the world, hear from God, and change the world.

Don’t Be Caught by This Trap!

Insecurity & Pain from the past can stop our Destiny!

When God showed up, Gideon & Saul responded with doubt, pain from the past, and insecurity! If you read their life they end up selling out later on in their life.