A Narrow Way LeadsTo Life

Updated: Sep 19

A narrow way leads to life. It’s the climb that leads to a summit. Discipline connects desire with destiny. – Vlad Savchuk

A narrow way leads to life

Hunger is Everything! There’s is something that pleases God when we hunger for what He offers more than life itself. Maybe Rom 9:13 is because Jacob hungered for his birthright, whereas Esau was LUKEWARM about it.

Maybe God is looking for the violent disruptive who will pursue His righteousness. Maybe hunger, true hunger, is really faith rewarded of those who diligently SEEK Him (Heb. 11:6)

1. Jacob got what he was seeking & even more

2. What started out fraudulently turned into a righteous thing

3. God would prefer (yes, He wants it righteous, I know) drive over neutrality

4. Jacob’s hunger turned into him becoming a nation & having national league sons. You know Martin Luther King jr wasn’t his first name…but his dad wanted a revolutionary son. He named his own name & his sons after Martin Luther. Fun fact: although he traveled to Israel & other nations, it was his trip to Germany to see how Hitler treated the Jews that turned up his passion for change & then Martin Luther’s courage to CHANGE the system by FAITH or hunger for change, he changed his & his sons name & it became a MOVEMENT! God loves hunger

5. What are you violently pursuing? Is it worth everything you have?

6. If you aren’t? Maybe you need to visit history books or visit places of history! It’s ok to borrow passion!

7. If not, ask God what’s the holdup! (It’s not going to be a spouse. God doesn’t blame. He invites solution change! – yes, I just made that word up, but it fits)

8. Get Hungry so your future opens up!

Matthew 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.

Matthew 11:12 The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence & the violent take it by force.

1 Corinthians 14:1 Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy

1 Corinthians 12:31 But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.

Romans 9:13 Jacob I have loved but Esau have I hated

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