I Heard This From The Holy Spirit

Too often, we think we are victims of our personalities or love languages, but that’s worldly. He’s already poured out His love to us & our reciprocation is toward God & everyone who is before us.

12 Things About Jezebel

Without fathering, kids get what they want & their actions aren’t kept in accountability as much as with a father. Mothers protect their children (not all of them, but statistically) from being blamed or brought into accountability. So, we need mothers AND fathers, but there aren’t many who say these kind of things.

Jesus Is The Way To Healing

Jesus is the Way to healing. The very fact we question God shows we haven’t been acting like the Justified (Romans 1:17). Why did those who saw more healing believe the Jesus Way to healing? It was because faith rests on Jesus (Romans 10:17)