20 Evidences a Victim Spirit May Have Part of Our Narratives

Here It Is! 20 Evidences a Victim Spirit May Have Part of Our Narratives! (And 12 remedies) 

This is only to awaken us to freedom or let those who deal with people the accusations against you may not be true 🥹🥹🥹

Here’s a link if you want to listen more than read or would like more insight!


  1. Stating that people are better off without them
  2. Dramatizing events to be more than they are 
  3. They feel powerless about their situations and state of being
  4. Learned helplessness
  5. They are cynical or pessimistic 
  6. Fixation on negative events or trauma
  7. Lack of empathy…only on self
  8. Low self-esteem
  9. Needing excessive attention
  10. Even when things go right, they find something to complain about
  11. Blaming others for their action
  12. They have a habit of blaming loved ones & others for how they feel
  13. They believe they are the only ones being targeted for mistreatment 
  14. They refuse to analyze their character and beliefs or improve THEIR part in life
  15. They actually think people are purposely trying to hurt them…they take mostly everything personal
  16. Easily angered, irritated, or agitated
  17. Severe self-pity
  18. Vilifying those who bring accountability
  19. Vilifying confidence or breakthrough in others
  20. Vilifying your accountability to their lack of emotional maturity

How to Overcome

  1. Admit it
  2. Recognize you need to be a martyr for attention
  3. Realize it came from pain
  4. Isolate is where pain comes into the place you accept this overloading spirit or mindset
  5. Forgive others
  6. Forgive yourself
  7. Meditate on God’s Word
  8. If you are a believer, realize God is with you and be willing to repent for your need for pity more than God’s power to deliver you
  9. Get prayer
  10. Be aware of habitual use and flying under the victim mindset in your life and circumstances so you can stand on guard to not accept it again
  11. Find a Victor’s Mindset. People are humans. If it worked for them, it can work for you. It’s not ungraspable…remember only a demon of victim mindsets has convinced you of that
  12. Take action to do the opposite of what you told yourself you couldn’t

This isn’t so we feel guilty but so we can be awakened to a new life! 

Love you guys

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