12 Things About Jezebel

Updated: Sep 19

Be sober leaders & be surrendered growing disciples. Labels of spirits or derived personalities don’t apply a vilifying action, just an alarm to grow! Don’t take it as a shame if these apply. We are shaming the devil. Just don’t harbor them! We are growing & it’s not your fault you’ve had an orphan spirit or lack of fathers, but this teaching is now here & it’s a fathering message. Without fathering, kids get what they want & their actions aren’t kept in accountability as much as with a father. Mothers protect their children (not all of them, but statistically) from being blamed or brought into accountability. So, we need mothers AND fathers, but there aren’t many who say these kind of things.

12 Things About Jezebel

1. It Operates in Men and Women – a spirit isn’t gender specific. As much as lust & perversion can be both in men & women, so can Jezebel,

2. It Originates from a victim spirit – she was never a Jew, so depleted in her view, so she sought out to rule. Undealt with pain never disappears! It’s always looking for a savior…Jezebel ain’t no savior, I promise.

3. It Causes Control, Manipulation, and domination. This is just witchcraft (1 Sam 15:21-22). Control is just another way (that’s all witchcraft is) to think you are getting a right need. Spouses do this. They use control tactics to teach their spouse a lesson. It’s not godly, womanly, or manly. It’s demonic! Deal with with those needs. If you suffer from a lack of intimacy & trust, deal with it. Another way will try to be a solution. Read below Scriptures 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

4. No Accountability. Jezebel won’t take correction in the name of being judged, attacked, or misunderstood. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be Jezebel, which means she’s not getting WHAT SHE WANTS because she doesn’t believe God’s Way of doing things works. “They don’t understand, “They haven’t walked in my shoes,” etc. read Scriptures 👇👇👇

5. Perversion, lust, performance- This spirit looks for validation in all the wrong places. Performance is perversion…it just hides under the radar, but at its base, it’s still running from accountability rather than running towards intimacy with the Father. Consequently, lust, perversion, etc., are used to GET or KEEP relationships, but it’s all the same thing 😭😭😭… it’s getting something the wrong way & it will NEVER be blessed. Even after marriage, you might have bagged that person with a ring, but it wasn’t birthed in honesty, so until it’s repented & brought to light, that relationship suffers 😔

6. It causes fear, intimidation, & questions our calling!

Belittling our calling, blowing off our victories, or talking lightly about people’s position or right to lead is just a manifestation of Jezebel. David never had a reason to dethrone Saul & he was wrong! Why? Because God was with him.

Inherently, a person with Jezebel thinks they must do it the wrong way to get to the right places, but it just reveals they don’t believe in God. If folks attack leaders, belittle them, belittle your victories, or your passion/calling, that may be Jezebel & it’s maybe in your circle. Don’t run from this. Confront it!

7. Seduction under the banner of spirituality- Jezebel was the daughter of a priest & didn’t mind sacrifices, just the wrong ones. So many have spirituality, but in secret places, there is seduction & immorality. Jezebel likes to feel spiritual on the surface but hasn’t dealt with perversion or a lack of commitment to purity. This takes so many out & will take us out. Don’t let giftedness (Rom 11:29, Matt 7:21-23) deceive you or deceive yourself. Us having gifts function doesn’t mean we have God. Us following Him uprightly does. Gifts don’t show how amazing we are; character does 🥹. Again, people who have a weakness in this area can use their area of devotion to balance their areas of weakness. Don’t I do enough? What else do I need to do? You’re going to hold me for this one thing when I’m doing so much outside of this? All along, that area where surrender wasn’t allowed was a silent rebellion or area where we haven’t surrendered (Mark 10:17-27).

A general principle here is that correction or direction isn’t a form of ingratitude. It’s just bringing to light areas that are in need of construction 🥹 or renovation.

8. It’s not repentant- they comply for a season, maybe, but don’t allow 2 Cor 7:10 to bring freedom & cleansing to their soul.

At this point, we must know we are already deceived, or we must know there isn’t ignorance in that person. There has to be action taken so they don’t corrupt more!

I have given her time to repent of her immorality, but she is unwilling.

Revelation 2:21

9. Loves leadership – not leading their private life, but loves leading others’ life. It’s a sense of completion, accomplishment, power, etc., but their heart is empty of intimacy. It can use service as a cover to its intent. I’m almost crying because they statistically won’t change & their life is so empty. Their relationships are not deep but surface level, edgy, & manipulative. It’s a lonely life 😭.

10. Jezebel thrives where disunity is present. She (the person) loves to gain influence & power where people are in disagreement with leadership. They will be friends with leaders but also be friends with haters & try to play that spot until she can kill the prophet or position she has angst against.

Having a victim spirit invites Jezebel to use our disagreements against the leadership. They aren’t being sympathetic. They are gaining power to try to dismantle leadership. Careful 😭.

I’ve never listened to folks who have had an issue with my leader. I’ll always say, let’s go talk it out with the pastor or whoever & man, they almost lose their lid. They never wanted to reconcile. They wanted an ear to destroy! That’s the test 😊

11. Jezebel prides herself in their ability to get any man or woman, even the married 🥺. Good-hearted folks will not try to befriend the opposite gender if they are married.

FYI, it’s never safe. Also, I’ve never met a man (who wasn’t gay) who has ever been a friend to any girl without an agenda or a possible one-day game. Even if it’s pure, it’s not safe to play. Ethics & boundaries are the only way. They aren’t religious. They are righteous.

Sitting in cars, giving rides, going to homes, shutting doors, etc., are no place for anyone who loves purity, especially those who see themselves in ministry.

I’ve seen 3 men of God fall in my life & every time, it was (looked) INNOCENT. But there is always a line that was crossed. So why even play with fire?

Jezebel will be upset with relational boundaries & purity boundaries. I know people who get upset over my kids’ inability to come for sleepovers…& there is a reason!

12. False teaching & deception – in a prophetic and spirit-filled movement, so many fly under special revelations “that the pastor will never understand “. They are in opposition to Biblical standards & authority. They won’t bow to truth or to authority in the name of special revelations. FYI, most cults had special revelations or angels show up, but it was because they had wrong ambitions to start with! (James 1:12-17, Gal 1:8-12)

Neat things that folks use to get authority are still Jezebel.

I’m sure there are more traits, but here’s a few. I hope we pray & ask God to destroy any areas that may look like these & us, if we are leading ministries to see the signs.

Love y’all

“But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not descend from above but is earthly, sensual, and demonic. For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.”

James 3:14-18

Hebrews 12:11

For the moment, all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:1

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7

Elijah was afraid when he got her message, and he ran to the town of Beersheba in Judah. He left his servant there, then walked another whole day into the desert. Finally, he came to a large bush and sat down in its shade. He begged the Lord, “I’ve had enough. Just let me die! I’m no better off than my ancestors.”

1 Kings 19:3-4

You allow Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality…

Revelation 2:20

I had this question in my spirit… It said, how could a Jezebel be in a place where the spirit of God was? But the truth is even Jezebel loves the presence of God, not the authority or power of God, but the presence. Look at the soul in the Bible. He was possessed and tried to kill the prophet, David, yet invited worship to scale down the demonic oppression’s life. I find Jezebel doesn’t mind the presence. They just don’t like the Prophet’s power or authority over Jesus.🥹

Love you guys 🥹

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